Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bullous Myringitis: virus that causes Jonathan to hate the last week he has been living because of strong pain to the ear and throut. Also has caused voice loss. Virus is highly contageous therefore Jonathan needs to be out of work for two days.

They found blood on my eardrum this morning at the hospital which caused them to ask if I had been hit on the head or fallen...I simply told them I couldnt remember if I had. I told laura maybe it was a tumor pushing on my ear drum...she didnt like that too much. Turns out it wasnt a tumor afterall.

Life has pretty much been the same since the last update. Slowly starting to look for a new place and slowly getting sadder by how much apartments cost. I got a $4/hr raise so I'm at $22/hr however weekly it only makes me have about $15 more dollars due to the fact that my health insurance has kicked in. Oh well, glad I waited to get sick until I had that.

I'm going back to sleep. Leave me one



Melissa said...

Sorry to hear that you are so sick. That can't be fun. Congrats on the raise, even though it's eaten up by insurance. At least you aren't making less than you used to because of your premium! Hope you feel better soon.

michelle said...

jonathan, i can't say i've ever heard of this particular virus...those little buggers are mean, though! did the doctors ever determine how you might have contracted it? also, was it the virus, then, that caused all the bleeding and pain? i hope you feel better soon. drink lots of fluids, get lots of rest, don't try to push yourself too much.
oh, how come you're looking for a new place already? didn't you just move?

michelle said...

sorry, have to make a very "type A" correction...just humor me. so, myringitis is not actually the name of the virus that probably caused your problem. bullous myringitis actually means inflammation of the tympanic membrane. this membrane's primary function involves conduction of sound to the middle ear, while also protecting the delicate bones of the middle ear from the external environment. causes of this painful inflammation include bacterial or viral infections or trauma to the ear, to name a few.
anyway, just thought i'd mention my findings. still hope you feel better soon!